More than ever, sales professionals need to maximize their focus on profitable sales growth. By providing users of Microsoft Teams & Dynamics 365 with a seamless integration to NetCommissions your sales team will spend even more time selling.
Sales Performance Management Best Practices Blog
Reps can now access NetCommissions when using Microsoft Teams & D365
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Communication/Reporting, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Dynamics 365
Communication tips for global Sales Performance Management teams
Improved Sales Performance Reporting (New Years Resolution #1) is a vital element of your Sales Performance communication strategy, but it is just one element of a broader effort. When you are dealing with a sales force that is spread out geographically, the quality of forethought that you put into your communication strategy can be the difference between success and failure.
Topics: Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, EVP/Sales Leader, Sales Performance Reporting, Communication/Reporting, CTO, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Operations
New Years Resolution #1; Improve Sales Performance Reporting
It's that time of the year again and I have no doubt the list of things you would like to improve and accomplish in the new year is long. As a manager, one of the improvements that can have a massive payback on your companies health is to improve the way you report performance to your sales team. Feedback from surveys on Sales Performance Management by WorldatWork & OpenSymetry tells us that for at least 75% of us, there is a tremendous opportunity to improve reporting Sales Performance to your organization. Here are some quick 'take aways' from the survey.
Topics: Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, EVP/Sales Leader, Sales Performance Reporting, Communication/Reporting, CTO, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, Human Resources, Sales Operations
Signed Sales Compensation Plan Documents are now the law in CA AB1396
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Sales Performance Reporting, Communication/Reporting, CTO, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Professional
NetCommissions outlines Top Four Best Practices for comp plan transparency & collaboration
Best in Class Sales Organizations communicate exhaustively about goals & goal alignment. For sales teams, much of this communication is memorialized in the Plan Document.
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Sales Performance Reporting, Communication/Reporting, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Sales Professional
Sales Incentives, Motivation & Performance Feedback …
A recent discussion at one of the groups over at LinkedIn was focused on rewards for a 100% commission sales force. As usual, the discussion meandered around talking about various aspect of sales performance management until a reference to Glengarry Glen Ross rekindled a classic movie moment for anyone who has seen the movie;
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Communication/Reporting, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Professional
Sales Performance Management; Clear Communication to Sales is Key
Insights gleaned from recent research by NewSigma published as part of their inaugural 2011 Sales Compensation Survey reinforce the need for strong communication strategies if your sales compensation process is going to truly be a catalyst for delivering on aggressive sales growth goals.
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Communication/Reporting, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, Human Resources, Sales Professional, ROI
Top 10 Signs your Sales Incentive Compensation system is broken !
Over 75% of businesses today rely on an array of homegrown solutions such as spreadsheets, desktop databases and IT developed solutions to automate the process of calculating and reporting on sales compensation. These companies are in the majority and quite often hit many of the same issues over time as the folks that call NetCommissions. We’ve put together a checklist of the top 10 warning signs that you may be outgrowing your sales comp process. Here are a couple of those top ten;
You have serious concerns about the accuracy and timeliness of your commission checks.
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, Communication/Reporting, CFO/Finance Leader, CEO, Human Resources, Accuracy, Timeliness