In many industry segments, customers are changing the way they interact with, and purchase from, Vendors & Wholesale Distributors. As we’ve seen many times over, the change often seems imperceptible at first, but gains a momentum that soon becomes unstoppable. Technology and the rapid maturation of the web are a key driving force behind this transformation.
Sales Performance Management Best Practices Blog
The vital role of Sales Performance Management in Sales Transformation
Topics: Gross Margin, Sales Performance Reporting, Wholesale Distribution, Commissions for distributors
Four critical Sales Compensation considerations for Wholesale Distributors
Leading Wholesale Distributors are using sales compensation to keep pace with industry changes. Here is a quick summary of why and considerations you should be thinking about as you examine your own information technology & analytics investment priorities.
Topics: Gross Margin, Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, Sales Performance Reporting, ROI, Accuracy, Timeliness, Wholesale Distribution, Commissions for distributors
Important Considerations for Sales Commission Plans Based on Gross Margin and/or Revenue
Sales Incentive plans (as opposed to a commission plan) reward sales reps for goal attainment. Should you base the goals and performance measures you want your reps to work towards on Revenue or Gross Margin. There is no correct answer to this question, but careful consideration of three best practices should lead you in the right direction.
Topics: Gross Margin, EVP/Sales Leader, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Professional