In reading a recent article on the possibility of other life forms in outer space I was amazed at how an interesting principle they referenced could be applied to our thinking about Sales Compensation design.
Sales Performance Management Best Practices Blog
Sales Compensation Plans and the Goldilocks Principle
Topics: SaaS Sales Compensation, Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, Sales Performance Reporting, Sales Performance Metrics & KPI's, Territory Management, Sales Quota
Highlights from recent 2018 Sales Compensation Trends survey
The Alexander group recently conducted a survey of sales compensation trends with 135 sales organizations. The survey was conducted at the end of 2017 with expectations for 2018 an integral part of the exercise. Now at the mid-way point in 2018, an interesting question is not only how your sales organization matched up with the survey groups results & expectations, but now with six months in the books, what, if anything, has changed and why ? We take a look at several takeaways highlighted by the survey as ask a few questions to consider as you take stock of 2018 at the half way mark.
Topics: SaaS Sales Compensation, Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, plan design, Sales Compensation Professional, Human Resources, Sales Quota
Is quota setting the Achilles heel of your sales commission process?
Topics: Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, EVP/Sales Leader, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Professional, Sales Quota
How many reps are, or should be, hitting their sales quota?
The process of setting sales quota is a mission critical element of many sales compensation processes, those involved put in a lot of work and are very happy when its complete. Sales Incentive plans are so dependent on accurate targets that the following data and Best Practices should provide great fodder for reflection and hopefully plant the seeds for some process improvement efforts within your own company. Setting accurate sales quota is a process which is commonly identified as a leading issue that most struggle to do well.
Topics: Sales Comp Plan Fundamentals, EVP/Sales Leader, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Quota