One of the worst kept ‘dirty little secrets’ in the Sales Performance administration world is the difficulty in managing the Sales Compensation process in a timely, accurate and yet efficient manner without being derailed by some of the myriad challenges that abound. One of the biggest challenges that rear’s its ugly head is the need to wade through the morass of a large number of adjustments every payroll period while simultaneously trying to maintain error free levels of quality and hit payroll 100% of the time. Lets face it, adjustments take many forms and never seem to occur at a convenient time.
Sales Performance Management Best Practices Blog
Are manual adjustments undermining your sales compensation process?
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, CTO, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Operations, Sales Professional, Data Quality
Don’t let poor data quality undermine your Sales Compensation process
Over the course of many years in this field, I can say without reservation that data quality is one of the cornerstones to a solid sales compensation process. Due to the nature of this beast, it is often a hidden aspect to the process and often rears its head only when the quality of your data is poor. Think of it, if you are one of those fortunate enough to have a relatively high quality pool of performance data, when was the last time someone appreciated that fact and all the work that went into creating that high quality information? The alternative is those who struggle with issues related to data quality and quite frankly there are few things that can hamstring your sales performance improvement efforts more than poor data quality. When this occurs, the two steps forward, three steps back grind overtakes your process affecting everyone from sales reps to analysts, and all the senior managers to whom these producers report.
Topics: EVP/Sales Leader, CTO, CFO/Finance Leader, Sales Compensation Professional, CEO, Human Resources, Sales Operations, Sales Professional, Data Quality